Thursday, July 5, 2012

Top 10 Search Phrases Crossword

Triond's top ten search phrases is the theme of this puzzle.  Unfortunately, illness delayed my completion of this project.  A few of the terms have moved off the list since I constructed the grid.  Even so, most of the search terms on the current list are the same as those from ten days ago.  Some Triond writers check these terms frequently; this puzzle will contain few surprises for them.  For the rest of us, I've included a screenshot of the top ten search terms as they were when I made the puzzle.  You can find the solution to the puzzle at the end of the article.




1. You can get these from chia

5. Long Island or 51

6. Before Pirates of the Caribbean V, we saw POTC _.

8. ___ out means scrape by

9. Where the power of chia is concentrated

10. Acrostico del  ___ __ __ madre, Triond's only recent Spanish-language search term in the top 10 

12. Kid

14. Social insect

17. Extrasensory Perception

18. High direction

19. Used to attach feathers

20. Disjunctive conjunction

21. Iron ___ Stream

23. Home Box Office

24. This giant bird carried off Sinbad

27. I bring it, and you eat it.

31. Is this gooey stuff good for you?

33. Age

34. Like or __

35. Israel's country code

36. Watch out for this free download


1. Hairstyle named after a teen singer

2. Something indispensable

3. Maradona said this organization "is a big museum."

4. Grab

5. Confederate general

6. Concepts

7. Very special

9. Droop

11. _____ has not yet taken Margaret Thatcher.

13. Purchase

15. Arrest

16. Someone who provokes an argument on the Internet

17. To make a mistake

22. Praise

25. Triond readers are searching for the worst job in this country.

26. Something I do with my little eye

28. A high silk hat

29. Stoner

30. Scottish politician Hardie

31. Scoffing laugh

32. Moray, for one

Notes and Observations

My goal is to crack the crossword market.  This crossword is built on a 13 x 13 grid, the minimum saleable size in the U.S.  The puzzle also has the 180-degree rotational symmetry required here.  The puzzle remains unsaleable in the U.S. for several reasons:

Unchecked squares.  In the US each blank square of a crossword puzzle must be checked; that is, the letter for each blank square must be a part of a word from the across list and one from the down list.  In the UK,  where crossword puzzles have a more lattice-like look,  unchecked squares are fine.

Two-letter words.  Saleable puzzles have none.  Indeed, in the US many editors won't buy puzzles with too many three-letter words.

Too many solid blocks.  Ideally, an American crossword should be about 16% solid blocks.
Forbidden topics.  Death, drugs, disease and (dare we say it) sex are not acceptable. 
Here's a video about making American-style crosswords.  Notice the use of software.  I use a pencil.

I'll try again soon.



Creative Commons License
Top 10 Search Phrases Crossword by Mark Jones is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

On May 22, 2012, a version of this article appeared on Triond's Quazen site:

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Review: Puzzlebook Trilogy: 303 Puzzle Quizzes by the Grabarchuk Family

The members of the Grabarchuk family, for those unfamiliar with them, make puzzles for "Trilogy 303 Puzzle Quizzes" collects into one omnibus volume their three previous Kindle books : "Puzzlebook: 100 Puzzle Quizzes (color and interactive!)," "Puzzlebook: 101 Puzzle Quizzes (color and interactive!)" and "Puzzlebook: 102 Puzzle Quizzes (color and interactive!)." The puzzles are colorful, geometric and ingenious.


The puzzles are indeed colorful. Most of the puzzles are graphic and geometric, so color helps the solver visualize. Moreover, color gives the puzzle creator an additional tool. The 19th century puzzler Sam Loyd once wrote: "By giving no two pieces the same shape, other ways of doing the puzzle are prevented, and the feat is more difficult of accomplishment.” Similarly, giving the pieces of a geometrical puzzle different colors and then making the solution depend on putting the right colors together offers another way for a puzzle creator to make a puzzle with a unique solution.

The Grabarchuks' collection is varied, but the puzzles fall into a number of types. Here are descriptions of a few to give readers a taste:


A number of puzzles require the solver to count the number of times a given geometrical figure or letter appears in a complex design.


Plenty of puzzles present the solver with views of four very similar geometrical figures and ask which one isn't like the others.


In these puzzles, the solver is presented with matchsticks placed in a geometrical array. The puzzle is to remove as few as matchsticks possible to change the diagram in some way.


The solver is asked how many ways there are to form a geometric figure, say a square or an equilateral triangle, by placing coins on the vertices of a geometric figure.

Double Letters

The solver is presented with a number of pairs of double letters. To solve the puzzle, the letters must be arranged--with a few overlapped--to form a word. A semantic clue is also given.


I read plenty of Kindle books, but I don't have a Kindle. I used to read with Kindle for PC, but I switched to the Kindle Cloud Reader and have never gone back. Using Kindle Cloud Reader, I worked through these puzzles on a large laptop PC with a 17" diagonal screen. A brief note below the copyright notice in “Trilogy 303 Puzzle Quizzes” explains how this collection may best be viewed:

Optimized for 3rd font size; "sans serif" typeface; "medium" line spacing; "default" words per line; and "portrait" screen rotation.

The settings I used were nothing like the recommendations. I prefer large letters, wide margins and sepia pages. I didn't find my unusual choices interfered with my enjoyment of the puzzle collection.


Each volume has a visual table of contents. Puzzle elements are used as icons. To go to a puzzle, click on the icon. Below each icon is a descriptive title. For example, the first puzzle in the collection has an icon of yellow arrows on a white field. The arrows point in different directions. The name of the puzzle is "Nine Arrows." Thus, the solver has a visual and verbal hint about what the puzzle is like.

It is not necessary to go to the page of icons to move from puzzle to puzzle. You can also move through the book by clicking on answers. The puzzles are multiple choice with two to four answers for each puzzle. To select an answer, the solver clicks a button. If the answer the solver selects is incorrect, the button leads him to a page with the emoticon ;( and the message "Your answer is incorrect. Please try again." Below the statement is a button marked Return to puzzle. If the answer is correct, the button takes the solver to a page where the solution is shown. This page has two buttons: Back to Puzzle and Next Puzzle. To skip a puzzle, simply click on the right arrow to go to the next one.

The puzzles in each volume are numbered and rated as to difficulty with one to five stars. Easier puzzles come first. At the end of volumes one and two is a five star puzzle. Solving that puzzle correctly takes you to an answer page with Back to Puzzle and Next Puzzle buttons. Clicking Next Puzzle takes you to the first puzzle of the next volume. The end of volume three doesn't work the same way. The answer page for the last five star puzzle in the collection has no Next Puzzle button, and absentminded solvers who click the right arrow on the screen to move along will go to the section of "Wrong Answer" pages. This was the only problem with navigation I found.


I recommend buying this volume if you enjoy working geometric and logic puzzles. I worked through this puzzle collection in less than a month. There are more than 300 in the collection, so I have to admit to an addiction to these puzzles. I'm looking forward to purchasing the fourth volume in the series, which the Grabarchuk family recently released.

You can find more information about Trilogy 303 Puzzle Quizzes on the Grabarchuk family website:

Please note that some Kindle devices do not have color screens. The owners of such devices may not be satisfied with this Kindle book.

A slightly different version of this column appears on Triond's Quazen website:

Friday, May 11, 2012

Pirates of The Caribbean 5, the Crossword

Newspapers, magazines and puzzle websites pay the authors of professional-quality crossword puzzles $50 to $1000 for each puzzle.  Compensation at this level dwarfs the income most bloggers or self-published novelists receive for their efforts.  Always on the lookout for new opportunities, I put together a crossword based on what little we know about “Pirates of the Caribbean 5.” 

Triond readers and obsessed, pitiable souls who search day after day for new information about “Pirates of the Caribbean 5,” welcome. I invite you to solve my puzzle.  After the puzzle, I discuss how close (not very) I came to creating a crossword that a puzzle editor might buy.  The answer to the puzzle appears at the end of the article.  

Pirate Music

First, some pirate music from Elizabeth Velez Urie put you in the mood:



1. This actress may return for "Pirates of the Caribbean 5."

3. Sparrow's actor's last

6. Eighth of a piece of eight

7. Pirate talk or Accident Risk Assessment Report

8. Utah or University of Tennessee

10. Will it be an epic film or an epic ____?

12. Four ______ theme parks have Pirates of the Caribbean rides.

13. ____ was I ere I saw Elba.

15.  The two-eared Van Gogh brother

17.  Negative response

19.  Hear "Hi-yo ______" in the next Depp film. 



1.  Body of water between Miami and Maracaibo

2. Tow-toed sloth kept as pet by pirates

4. "Pirates of the Caribbean 5" is expected to ____ billions.

5. First two words of movie series title.

8. Unmanned Aircraft System

9. In the video Elizabeth Velez Urie plays a hornpipe on a ___ whistle.

10. POTC 1,2,3,4 and soon _.

11. Not right

14. Latter Day Saints

15. Movie starring Charlton Heston, "Ben-___."

17. Netherlands, National League etc.

18. Output Voltage


Unau PD-US Image by Davepape via Wikipedia.

A good crossword puzzle must satisfy aesthetic standards of symmetry and language.   After I made the puzzle, I reviewed the writer's guidelines for five possible markets for crossword puzzles.  The puzzle above has numerous problems:
  • It’s the wrong shape.  A puzzle fit for publication must have 180 degree rotational symmetry; that is, the puzzle must be the same shape when you turn it upside down.  My puzzle has bilateral (mirror) symmetry.
  • The sides have an even number of squares.  Saleable crosswords have an odd number of squares on each side.
  • A good puzzle can have very few three-letter words and no two-letter words.  I have two three-letter words and four two-letter words.
  • I used a partial phrase, “_______ __ the Caribbean.”
  • I have one word of crosswordese.  Most experienced crossword solvers know unau is a vernacular name for a two-toed sloth and Ea was a god of the Babylonians, but they don’t want to see these words very often. (I used unau for fun.  Besides, I read somewhere that pirates kept them as pets.  I swear it.  Really.)
I could go on and on.

I do plan to make some more crossword puzzles, but I’ll try for a saleable puzzle next time.  This one was just for fun.  
In case you were wondering, the author of a Sunday crossword in the New York Times receives $1000 on publication.


This article originally appeared on Triond's Quazen website:

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A Tik-Tok of Oz Puzzle

 PD-US via Wikipedia

I have an unrealized ambition to create a series of puzzles based on the Oz books of L. Frank Baum.  These fifteen books, containing hundreds of characters, color plates and line drawings, provide ample material for puzzles of many kinds.   I offer the first of the series below.

In case you’re unfamiliar with him, Tik-Tok is a mechanical man Dorothy Gale meets and winds up when she’s trapped by the wheelers in “Ozma of Oz,” the third volume of the series.  A popular character, he figures in many of the later books, and Baum later wrote a book around him, “Tik-Tok of Oz.”

The puzzle has three parts: a passage with a few words omitted and replaced with blanks, a set of scrambled words, and a word search puzzle in which the scrambled words appear unscrambled.  Once you’ve puzzled out the words, use them to fill in the blanks in the passage.  The passage is the speech from “Ozma of Oz” in which Tik-Tok explains his origin.  I edited the speech very slightly to improve continuity.

If you get stuck unscrambling the words, try picking them out of the word search, where they appear unscrambled, or guessing them from the blanks in the passage.  On the other hand, if you’re good at unscrambling words, you’ll have a word search puzzle to enjoy once you’ve figured out the passage.

In the Oz books, Tik-Tok speaks with a mechanical voice, which Baum represents by stringing the words together with hyphens.  Robotic speech is all about us today, so I give the answer to this puzzle in an unusual form, an Xtranormal video I made in which Tik-Tok tells his story.

Tik-Tok of Oz (PD-US)

The Passage


The answer spoken by Tik-Tok himself:

Puzzles are for Fun

You won’t get rich making puzzles.  Once upon a time you could make money constructing puzzles for magazines, but now most of the puzzle magazines you see on newsstands print only computer-generated puzzles.  (If you have a mental picture of sweating bots shoveling digits into the flaming furnace of a Sudokumatic 2012, you’re not far from wrong.)  A good crossword puzzle, on the other hand, still requires considerable human ingenuity and can fetch $200 or more.

This puzzle was computer generated.  After picking out the words in the passage I wanted to hide in the word search portion of the puzzle, I created the word search and scrambled the words using  Next I sat down to solve it myself to guard against mistakes and to check on the difficulty of the puzzle.  My memory isn’t particularly strong.  I was taken aback by the scrambled word “clpdietcoma” and had to consult the word search.

I hope you enjoy my puzzle.


An earlier version of this article appeared on Triond's Quazen website:

Monday, April 2, 2012

A Puzzle Through the Looking-Glass

The word puzzles on this blog have a word search portion and a fill-in-the-blank portion.  The puzzle is solved when all the words in the word search portion have been found and placed in the proper blanks in a passage from a famous book.

I've put together an easier--but slightly twisted--puzzle for this post.  I'm telling solvers the book title for the fill-in portion of the puzzle, and the clue list is (almost) straightforward.   The book is "Through the Looking-Glass" by Lewis Carroll.   The twist?  The word search puzzle and the clue list are both presented as mirror images.  You can find the answers at the end of the post.  I always present the answers upside down.  This time I present the answer to the word search both as an upside-down mirror image and as an ordinary upside-down image. 

A mirror-image word search puzzle is a treat for the author, too.  I used the website to create the word search puzzles from the list of clues, and I flipped the result using MS Paint.  Thus, I was only slightly more familiar with the word search puzzle (as presented) than any other solver.  I spent 40 minutes solving the word search.  My brain doesn't process mirror images well.   

(You can find a printer-friendly .pdf file of this puzzle on at )

Word Search Puzzle

Clue List



Mirror Image


Passage Answer

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

Friday, March 23, 2012

My article "Chaos in Mali" is on ExpertsColumn. Below you can find a link to my favorite CD of Malian music and a link to the article.

"Chaos in Mali":

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Review: "The Fifth Harmonic" by F Paul Wilson

Famous for his Repairman Jack and The Adversary series of horror/adventure novels, Wilson morphs his keyboard into a Ouija to write this New Age quest romance.


The Set-Up

Physician Wilbur Cecil Burleigh learns he has an aggressive cancerous tumor in his throat.  By chance he meets a former patient whom he did not expect to survive her cancer.   She claims a  New Age healer named Maya cured her.  Although extremely prejudiced against alternative medicine, Burleigh visits the mysterious healer Maya and seeks a cure through her on her terms.  She requires him to give away his money and travel with her to Central America to seek healing “tines” hidden by an unknown ancient civilization.  The tines are necessary for a cure.  He goes, but not without a “Kevorkian kit” to end his life if Maya’s cure doesn’t work.

My Take

Granted, the plot is an old one: guided by a magical or divine being, a hero goes on a quest to learn about the spiritual nature of death and mortality.  You’ve seen this story before in Book VI of Virgil’s “Aeneid” or in Dante’s “Divine Comedy” or, more trivially, in Captain Jack Sparrow’s quest for the Fountain of Youth in “Pirates of the Caribbean 4.”   I admire Wilson’s sense of invention for mashing up this old plot with “physician heal thyself” and a romance between middle-aged adults.  Wilson also gets plus marks from me for writing a New Age story without extraterrestrials, monsters, or ghosts.

Amazon reviewers rate this book across the full range of possible ratings.  Half the eighteen reviewers gave the book five stars, but the other half assigned ratings of one, two, three, or four stars.  This book with a monstrous but real antagonist--cancer--didn’t appeal to some fans of Wilson’s horror/adventure novels.

I suggest that Wilson’s fans who are disappointed with this book don’t recognize its genre.  Looking over the negative reviews on Amazon, I see readers of horror/adventure novels who are hungry for more.  They buy this book expecting it to be like his other novels, but it’s not.  This novel is a romance with man and woman who can’t stand each other at first ending up as a happy couple.  Thus, it’s a romance/adventure and more like a Louis L’Amour novel than a Michael Crichton book.  I have to confess that the romance element of the novel sneaked up on me.

  • The romance, especially the sexual element of the romance, runs counter to popular notions of the attractiveness of terminal cancer patients (or of middle-aged people).
  • Having a healer named Maya take the hero to the country of the Maya people of Central America causes some confusion with names.   
  • F. Paul Wilson still practiced medicine when he wrote this book.  Even though this work is fiction, Wilson’s obvious interest in mind-over-matter medicine astonished me.
  • Wilson did some small amount of research into Maya civilization for this book.  His references to the Maya people are respectful.  Some of Wilson’s Maya characters are suspicious of the healer, showing that you don’t have to be a scientist to distrust her.
  • In my favorite scene in the novel,  Burleigh  shelters himself from rain and flooding alone in an ancient temple.  Many animals from the jungle--even some very large ones--also shelter themselves there.
  • The novel does not attribute the mystical tines to the ancient Maya civilization, but to a mysterious pre-Maya people of Central America.
  • No discussion of the end of the world in 2012 occurs in this book.   

Readers who don’t mind some adventure thrown into tales of spiritual quests or romances will enjoy this book.  If every book you like has an alien or a serial killer, stay away.

This review originally appeared on Triond's Bookstove site here.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Puzzle Tough as Tentacles on Toast

Public Domain Image by Henrique Alvim Corrêa (1906). Source Wikimedia Commons.

A .pdf version of this puzzle appears on here.
The puzzle has three parts: a clue list, a passage from a classic science fiction novel with words omitted, and a word search puzzle where all the words omitted from the passage are concealed. The object of the puzzle is to find all the concealed words in the word search puzzle and put them in the correct blanks in the passage. I designed this puzzle to have three levels of difficulty.

Clue List

Like a clue to a crossword puzzle, each word or phrase on the clue list suggests one of the words omitted from the passage. The clues are in the same order as the corresponding words omitted from the passage. For example, the fifth clue on the list corresponds to the fifth blank in the passage.

Word Search

Words concealed in the word search puzzle are written up, down, diagonally, forwards, or backwards.

The Dark Passage

The passage comes from a critical moment in a great science fiction novel, written long ago.

Levels of Difficulty

I've described the medium level of difficulty above.  For a harder puzzle, throw away the Medium Clue List.   Now try to work the puzzle.  I dare you.  For an easier puzzle, I've supplied an Easy Word List containing all the words omitted from the passage.  It's at the end of the answer section.  Tear off the Easy Word List from the answer section, turn it right side up, and use it to solve the puzzle.  Unlike the clue list, the order of the Easy Word List is scrambled.  Otherwise, the easy puzzle would hardly be a puzzle at all. 

Medium Clue List

(1) not deceased, (2) pertaining to the Roman god of war, (3) to picture in mind, (4) dreadfulness, (5) look, (6)  extraordinary, (7) yap, (8) sharp, (9) above your eye, (10) lack, (11) under, (12) ranking less high, (13) unceasing, (14) trembling, (15) Medusa or one of her sisters, (16) tempestuous, (17) weird, (18) weightiness, (19) soreness, (20) word specifying a type of attraction, (21) familiar planet, (22) fervency, (23) optics, (24) queasiness, (25) mushroom-like, (26) integument, (27) rhymes with celebration, (28) structural units of a symphonic work, (29) deep vertical holes, (30) planets 

Word Search

The Dark Passage


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Ghost

The Ghost

My little room

Filled with gloom, dread

And doom scares me,

And no key can

Let me outside,

For I died here

Inside this room. 

This bit of verse is an example of a chained than-bauk.  I learned about this form from an article by Lady Sunshine "Burmese Poetry: Than-Bauk."

The illustration is a public domain photo of "The Ghost of Oyuki" by Maruyama Okyo (1733-1795).


Today I posted a review of "We Aim to Please" by Tony Leather and Erin Miller on Amazon.  My article "Pied Piper Publishers," in which I exhort he general public to read and review more self-published and independently published books, graces Bizcovering.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Puzzle Sharp as a Vampire's Kiss

Here's a double puzzle with three levels of difficulty.  Print it out, put it in your pocket, and amuse yourself the next time you're waiting in your doctor's office, the driver's license bureau, or an airport security line.  

I uploaded a .pdf version of the puzzle without photos to Find it at

You'll need to make a contribution, that is an upload or a small fee, to download it.

Public Domain via Wikipedia

The puzzle has three parts: a clue list, a passage from a classic vampire novel with words omitted, and a word search puzzle where all the words omitted from the passage are concealed.   The object of the puzzle is to find all the concealed words in the word search puzzle and put them in the correct blanks in the passage.  I designed this puzzle to have three levels of difficulty.

Clue List

Like a clue to a crossword puzzle, each word or phrase on the clue list suggests one of the words omitted from the passage.  The clues are in the same order as the corresponding words omitted from the passage.   For example, the fifth clue on the list corresponds to the fifth blank in the passage.

Word Search

Words concealed in the word search puzzle are written up, down, diagonally, forwards, or backwards.

The Dark Passage

The passage comes from a critical moment in a great vampire novel, written long ago.
Levels of Difficulty

I've described the medium level of difficulty above.  For a harder puzzle, tear off the clue list along the dashed lines and throw it out.   Now try to work the puzzle.  I dare you.  For an easier puzzle, I've supplied an Easy Word List containing all the words omitted from the passage.  It's at the end of the answer section.  Tear off the Easy Word List from the answer section, turn it right side up, and use it to solve the puzzle.  Unlike the clue list, the order of the Easy Word List is scrambled.  Otherwise, the easy puzzle would hardly be a puzzle at all.

Public Domain via Wikipedia

Clue List for Medium Difficulty

1) carnality, (2) repugnant, (3) curved, (4) lap, (5) edges, (6) to work at a second job, (7) dampness, (8) bright red, (9) language, (10) folded over, (11) cogs, (12) opposite of tail, (13) row, (14) chatter, (15) connect, (16) swirling, (17) to be able in past conditional, (18) emotionally exciting, (19) act of breathing, (20) passage through the neck, (21) stinging sensation, (22) meat, (23) exciting light touch, (24) nears, (25) quivering, (26) receptive to impressions, (27) sunken areas, (28) lingering for a while, (29) transport but not a truck, (30)red symbol on a card, not a diamond, (31) fire feeder, (32) vampire

Word Search

The Dark Passage

Answer Section

Public Domain via Wikipedia

Word Search Answer

Dark Passage Answer

Easy Word List

Thursday, February 9, 2012

F Paul Wilson and the Pirates

Public Domain Image by J.J. via Wikimedia Commons

F. Paul Wilson, author of the Repairman Jack novels, is writing a series of articles on his experiences with e-publishing.  The third and latest installment discusses his trouble with pirates, that is, BitTorrent buccaneers.  Titled "E-publishing, Part 3: E-looters 101," the piece is well worth reading.

Wilson posted his article to Byte on Feb. 7, 2012.  I wasn't aware of it when I wrote a review of his novel "The Fifth Harmonic" and published it on Triond on Feb. 9, 2012.  My article received about 25 times as many views as I expected.  At first I thought I was finally getting the recognition I deserve beyond the elite few who read my work regularly.  After all I polish my prose until it burns with a hard, gem-like flame.  Popularity, however,  is unlikely for me.  I am a page rank 0 writer.

I searched the web to see if anyone had linked to the article.  I found no link, but I found Wilson's piece in Byte.  After reading it I wondered if he hadn't sparked a scramble to find his pirated books and download them.  I suspect eager readers hungry for free downloads are drilling deep into the Google search results.  It's a more reasonable notion than the idea anyone wants to read my writing.  Triond is notorious for articles with links to pirated books, games and movies.  My review sits near the bottom on page four of the Goggle search results for "The Fifth Harmonic."  I noticed that many of the new hits on my articles were from China.  The facts point to piratical activity.

F. Paul Wilson has good reasons for his anger with digital pirates.  Nevertheless, his libertarian LaNague Federation novels won't see much circulation in China except as e-samizdat.  He won't make any money from it, but he may see his ideas spread.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

 As I've written before elsewhere, I am posting my new articles on Cuba on ExpertsColumn. I have at least one more in the works.

Pope Benedict, Fidel Castro to Meet March 27

La Tribuna, a daily newspaper of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, announced yesterday that Pope Benedict XVI will meet Fidel Castro March 27, 2012, on the pontiff's visit to Cuba. Fidel Castro himself seconded the report by tweeting a link to it. Vatican Insider, a website run by the Italian newspaper La Estampa, confirms that the Pope will visit Cuba from March 26 to 28 and meet Fidel.

Gingrich's Proposed Policies on Cuba Have Already Failed Once (or Twice or More)

Last week in the Versailles restaurant in Miami’s Little Havana, Republican candidate Newt Gingrich drank a demi-tasse of Cuban coffee. Then he tossed back a second cup of the strong and bitter brew. Finally, the hypercaffeinated candidate addressed a Cuban-American audience that had strong opinions and a bitter history. He carefully avoided offending them. After all, it was Friday the 13th. Why do something risky?

Romney Clueless on Cuban Internet

Republican Candidate Mitt Romney’s promises mirror Newt Gingrich’s.  Romney and Gingrich both attempt to link their Cuba policies to the memory of President Reagan, the Helms-Burton Act, and re-imposition of travel and remittance restrictions. By a strange coincidence, both campaigns also advance the same new idea, combatting the Castro regime through the Internet.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Wrap-Up of January 2012

As of Janus (Public Domain)


Triond put up ten of my articles in January, for which I thank them.  My earnings from Triond articles have dropped, but I expected they would.  There’s a considerable decrease in casual Internet use and blog reading after the Christmas holidays.  People have to get back to work.  Moreover, I believe past management mistakes and editorial misjudgments at Triond decreased their status with search engines.  Advertisers are sure to ask for discounts in 2012.

At the end of last year, I sent out a Happy New Year message to my Triond friends to see who was still active on the site (and who reads their Triond messages).  A surprising number of my friends and readers did not return the message.  Some have left the site, and some are too busy writing to read the material of someone else.  I pruned the list of some folks who have disappeared and taken their content down and of others who submit more than five articles a day.  The quality of the work of the latter group is horrible.  It’s mostly stuff run through machine translation or article spinning software.  Next I identified some other writers who might read and comment on my work in the future and made friends with them.  I look forward to writing more for Triond websites.

Even a casual examination of article earnings and unique views on Triond shows that some types of writing don’t find an audience there.  For example, my articles on Fidel Castro and Cuba garnered a total of 30 views last year.  I would have done better had I written those articles on a t-shirt with a marker.  I don’t write those articles to make money, but to take part in a conversation.  I wrote three pieces on Cuba for ExpertsColumn this month and none for Triond.  I hope a few more people read them there.  My reviews of short films are another example.  No one else reviews short films on Triond, and I can see why.  Triond readers don’t read reviews of short films.  I don’t know where to put future short film reviews.


I put up three articles about Cuba on ExpertsColumn this month.  I haven’t had any feedback, but I can embed these articles other places, and I plan to do exactly that, starting with this blog.


Posting articles often on this blog increases the number of views.  This blog isn’t monetized, but I can re-post my articles on for a few “points.”  When I google marqjonz, the screenname I use for my writing,  Google displays the pictures on Picatopica quite prominently.  I plan to post more photos.
Reviews on are uncompensated.  Nevertheless, my Amazon postings show up higher on Google’s list than my other writings, so Amazon reviews are a good value as a promotion.  I only posted one in January, a review of Grillet’s “Babbage and the Buskers,”  but I plan to write more reviews for next month.  


For January 2012 I’ve achieved my writing goal of putting 10,000 words of original content up online.  This piece pushes me over the top: 10,355 words.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Rare Photo of Unbranded Merchandise from Walmart

I bought a tube of glue to fix a model airplane I built with my daughter earlier this month.  I was astonished to see no branding on the tube or the packaging.  After all, even bananas have little brand stickers.

Tiny letters on the lower left corner of the reverse side of the package identify the manufacturer as Henkel Co. of Avon, Ohio.  Equally small lettering says Made in Canada.  

Henkel is an enormous German company.  The website of Henkel North America shows the business has thousands of U.S. employees and manufactures some leading brands.  Why this company didn't brand the hobby glue I bought is a mystery.